Spring update and some upcoming summer classes
After the rainy winter, spring is in full swing here in Los Angeles. The sunsets are officially happening later every day. Just outside my studio is a garden and a milkweed patch, and the bees and butterflies are beginning to return. The air smells heavenly. I hope you will be in a place to relax with your loved ones this Memorial Day weekend.
I am excited to announce that I will be teaching my first class with the newly reopened Brentwood Art Center, Introduction to Metal Clay, beginning in August. Metal clay is a wonderfully accessible and creative way to create your own designs from fine silver while fast-tracking past traditional silversmithing techniques. No previous experience is needed! We will be forming earrings and pendants out of clay and then firing the clay until it turns to fine silver. Alchemy! I would love to share this magical art form with you. This summer class will be four sessions. You can learn more and register at: https://www.brentwoodart.org/summer-2023-adults-inperson/summer23-jewelrydesign-lornaherf
I have also been busy at work in the studio. I am happy to announce that I have joined TAG Gallery. I am continuing to study with my dear friend and mentor Joe Blaustein, who is the subject of a wonderful upcoming documentary, The Dog and the Duck. https://www.silviagallini.me/the-dog-and-the-duck
I will also be teaching a photography workshop at the Culver City Festival of Gems on Sunday, July 9, 2023 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. We’ll be learning how to get fantastic results with photographing jewelry and other small scale items like rock specimens. I have lots of tips and good hacks to share! The workshop is just $100 ($75 if you are a member of the Culver City Rock and Mineral Club) and you will get hands-on experience with several different lighting setups. https://culvercityrocks.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/CCRMC-2023-Fiesta-Workshop-Lorna-Herf-7-9-23-Macro-Photography-iPhone.pdf
If you have been thinking your jewelry photography could use a boost, please email me and I will be happy to reserve your spot. To find out about future classes and shows, make sure you sign up for my email list at the bottom of the page!